Create a Highly Available VPC

In this we’ll walk through the process of deploying a highly available VPC consisting of the following: – VPC – 2 Availability Zones – 2 Public Subnets (1 per AZ) – 2 Private Subnets (1 per AZ) – 1 Public Routing Table Named ‘PubRT’ – 1 Internet Gateway – 1 Public Security Group – 1 Private Security Group

Log in to the AWS Management Console.

Create the VPC

  1. Navigate to VPC using the Services menu or the unified search bar.
  2. In the sidebar menu, select Your VPCs.
  3. On the right, click Create VPC.
  4. Configure the VPC settings section:
    • Resources to create: Select VPC only.
    • Name tag: In the text box, enter LabVPC.
    • IPv4 CIDR: In the text box, enter
  5. Leave all the other default settings and click Create VPC. The VPC is created and its details are automatically displayed.

Create the Subnets

  1. In the sidebar menu, select Subnets.
  2. On the right, click Create Subnet.
  3. In the VPC ID field, use the dropdown to select your VPC.
  4. Configure the Subnet settings section for public subnet 1:
    • Subnet name: In the text box, enter Public1.
    • Availability Zone: Use the dropdown to select US East (N.Virginia)/us-east-1a.
    • IPv4 CIDR block: In the text box, enter
  5. Toward the bottom of the page, click Add new subnet.
  6. Configure the Subnet settings section for public subnet 2:
    • Subnet name: In the text box, enter Public2.
    • Availability Zone: Use the dropdown to select US East (N. Virginia)/us-east-1b.
    • IPv4 CIDR block: In the text box, enter
  7. Toward the bottom of the page, click Add new subnet again.
  8. Configure the Subnet settings section for private subnet 1:
    • Subnet name: In the text box, enter Private1.
    • Availability Zone: Use the dropdown to select US East (N. Virginia)/us-east-1a.
    • IPv4 CIDR block: In the text box, enter
  9. Toward the bottom of the page, click Add new subnet again.
  10. Configure the Subnet settings section for private subnet 2:
    • Subnet name: In the text box, enter Private2.
    • Availability Zone: Use the dropdown to select US East (N. Virginia)/us-east-1b.
    • IPv4 CIDR block: In the text box, enter
  11. At the bottom of the page, click Create Subnet. The four subnets take a moment to finish creating.

Build an Internet Gateway

  1. In the sidebar menu, select Internet gateways.
  2. On the right, click Create internet gateway.
  3. In the Name tag field, enter LabIGW.
  4. Click Create internet gateway. The internet gateway takes a moment to finish building.
  5. After creating the Internet gateway, use the breadcrumb at the top of the page to select Internet gateways.
  6. Check the checkbox to the left of your LabIGW gateway.
  7. On the right, use the Actions dropdown to select Attach to VPC.
  8. In the Available VPCs field, click on the text box and select your LabVPC VPC.
  9. Click Attach Internet gateway. The internet gateway is attached to your VPC.

Configure a Route Table within Your VPC Named PubRT

Create the Route Table and Associate the Public Subnets

  1. In the sidebar menu, select Route Tables.
  2. In the top right corner, click Create route table.
  3. Configure the Route table settings section:
    • Name: In the text box, enter PubRT.
    • VPC: Use the dropdown to select your LabVPC VPC.
  4. Click Create route table. The route table is created and its details display automatically.
  5. On the right, use the Actions dropdown to select Edit subnet associations.
  6. Check the checkboxes to the left of the Public1 and Public2 subnets.
  7. Click Save Associations.

Update the Routes to Send Traffic to the Internet Gateway

  1. From the route table details, ensure the Routes tab is selected.
  2. On the right, click Edit Routes.
  3. Click Add route.
  4. In the Destination field, enter
  5. In the Target field, select Internet Gateway, and then select your LabIGW gateway.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Associate the Private Subnets with the Default VPC

  1. Use the breadcrumb at the top of the page to select Route tables.
  2. Check the checkbox to the left of the default VPC (indicated as the main VPC).
  3. From the route table details, select the Subnet Associations tab.
  4. On the right, click Edit subnet associations.
  5. Check the checkboxes to the left of the Private1 and Private2 subnets.
  6. Click Save Associations.

Create the PublicSG and PrivateSG Security Groups

Create the PublicSG Security Group

  1. In the sidebar menu, select Security Groups.
  2. On the right, click Create security group.
  3. Fill in the Basic details section:
    • Security group name: In the text box, enter PublicSG.
    • Description: In the text box, enter pubs.
    • VPC: Click into the field and select your LabVPC VPC.
  4. In the Inbound rules section, click Add rule.
  5. Fill in the rule details:
    • Type: Use the dropdown to select HTTPS.
    • Source: Use the dropdown to select Anywhere-IPv4.
  6. Click Add rule again.
  7. Fill in the rule details:
    • Type: Use the dropdown to select HTTPS.
    • Source: Use the dropdown to select Anywhere-IPv6.
  8. At the bottom of the page, click Create security group.
  9. After the security groups are created, use the breadcrumb at the top of the page to select Security Groups.

Create the PrivateSG Security Group

  1. On the right, click Create security group.
  2. Fill in the Basic details section:
    • Security group name: In the text box, enter PrivateSG.
    • Description: In the text box, enter privatesg.
    • VPC: Click into the field and select your LabVPC VPC.
  3. In the Inbound rules section, click Add rule.
  4. Fill in the rule details:
    • Type: Use the dropdown to select All traffic (you can also type All traffic into the field to narrow the dropdown results).
    • Source: Leave the Custom default. In the search box to the right of Custom, select your PublicSG security group.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Create security group.

Enable Logging of All IP Traffic to a Created S3 Bucket

  1. In the sidebar menu, select Your VPCs.
  2. Check the checkbox to the left of your LabVPC VPC.
  3. On the right, use the Actions menu to select Create flow log.
  4. Fill in the Flow log settings section:
    • Name: In the text box, enter LabVPCFlowLogs.
    • Filter: Select All.
    • Maximum aggregation interval: Select 10 minutes.
    • Destination: Select Send to Amazon S3 bucket.
  5. To get the S3 bucket ARN, open S3 in a new tab using the Services menu or the unified search bar.In the S3 Management Console, you should see one bucket.
  6. Select the bucket name.
  7. Along the top of the page, select the Properties tab.
  8. In the Bucket Overview section, copy the ARN.
  9. Navigate back to the VPC Management Console tab and paste your copied ARN into the S3 bucket ARN field.
  10. Leave all the other default settings, and click Create flow log.
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